ESPN Rebrand

Essential Graphics · QC Protocols

​​​​​​​ESPN REBRAND  |  Great branding I worked on for Superestudio

When COVID strikes in Argentina, we had to stay at home for a very long time, our quarantine was one of the largest in the world. It was on that moment that Coco (Production Director of Superestudio), contacted me to work in this project. My task was, together with Ezequiel Odone and Lean Feuz (the brain behind this project), to create and check After Effects projects customised with the power of Essential Graphics and expressions. At that time, this tool was pretty new, so we had to cover the holes with a lot of thinking, try and failure. We ended up delivering this great TV branding which included social media formats, and automatic customisation inside Adobe Premiere, without even opening After Effects.

ESPN Rebrand

ESPN Rebrand

ESPN Rebrand - TV and off-air branding with Essential Graphics automatic customization
